How Previous Laureates of the Okinawa Peace Prize have Used their Prize Money

ページ番号1008395  更新日 2024年1月11日


1.First Laureate: Peshawar Kai

Peshawar Kai has opened an Okinawan Peace Clinic in Afghanistan.

2.Second Laureate: AMDA (Association of Medical Doctors of Asia)

Used the money to help fund emergency relief activities in the wake of the Sumatra deep sea earthquake.

3.Third Laureate: Okinawa-Laos Cleft Palate Patient Support Center

The prize money was instrumental in building surgical facilities in Laos. Additionally, some of the money was used to support Laotian study-abroad students to Japan.

4.Fourth Laureate: AAR, Japan Association for Aid and Relief

The money was used to help those in tornado-affected regions of Myanmar and victims of unexploded ordnance in Laos.

5.Fifth Laureate: SHARE (Services for Health in Asian and African Regions)

The money was used to help in reconstruction efforts after the Great East Japan Earthquake of 2011 and flooding in Cambodia.

6.Sixth Laureate: Shapla Neer: Citizens’ Committee in Japan for Overseas Support

The money was used for disaster prevention support in Tornado-prone areas.


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